Hang gliding and Paragliding east of Toronto
Many humans will never venture beyond the restrictions
of earth’s gravity.
The attempt to explain this feeling of flight is
almost impossible to describe - but I’ll try.
Close your eyes and open your imagination. You are
dreaming. In this dream your arms are extensions of
this enormous wing supporting you from above. You are
comfortably suspended in this animated state defying
gravity. Look around - amaze your eyes - tease your mind, as a child runs with arms extended wide imagining flying.
Remember the feeling?
Use nature’s heat to harness a smooth flow of warm
(thermal) air appearing out of nowhere, rising higher
to never ending cloud streets as far as the eye can
see. Circle under the clouds. It's not a dream.
Silent flight is expressed as a freedom to explore the
imagination without fear, without limitations.
Dreams will take over you in this unbelievable
adventure. Each pilot who stands there just prior to
launch is getting ready. A new dream has begun.
Excitement so true it’s written all over their face.
We all feel this way no matter the level of
experience. Butterflies are lifting you into the
largest playground imaginable.
Ask anyone I know how easy it is to guess my thoughts
as i look toward the sky and close my eyes.
DA vinci wrote: For once you have tasted flight you
will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to
Leonardo da Vinci
Memories can make you smile. Close your eyes.
Enter a world beyond imagination.
UFOs! Are they real?
You bet we are!